Is it all a grand plan of the universe?

To bring souls together and then pull them away slowly, before ripping them apart

Natasha Srivastava
P.S. I Love You


Author’s Image

They say some loves
Just aren’t meant to last
So I wonder,
About this alchemy
Of love and loss

I wonder if it’s nothing
But a grand plan of the universe
Setting the storm in motion
One little piece at a time
While we wear our hearts
On our sleeves
Throwing love like confetti
Unsuspecting, carefree

I wonder how it all unfolds
How do you know
That you loved them?
And that you don’t love them, anymore?
That you just can’t
Even if you try

When do you know?
Is it something they do?
Or is it someone new you meet?
Does your gut randomly tell you,
It’s time.
And do you simply believe it?

Do the edges chip away,
Before our entire world
Comes crashing down?

Tell me, love
How did it happen for you?
Because all I remember,
From before,
Is how I was your girl
Straight out of a dream

How you said you loved me
With every fibre of your being
I remember the video calls
From thousands of miles away
Where we couldn’t stop staring
Smiling at each other

And then, I remember
How you couldn’t come to see me off
At the airport, when I left the city
How you weren’t able to take me out
To that place you loved
I remember how you shrugged
When I said things
We didn’t see eye to eye on

I can vaguely put together
How you spoke to me
In lesser words
With every day
Leading to our last

I can’t un-hear the indifference
In your voice when you said Goodbye

And so I wonder if it was just
A grand plan of the universe, all along?
Letting things remain incomplete
Chipping the edges away
So it can all wither into nothing

Bringing our souls together
Closer and closer every day
And pulling them farther away
Before ripping us apart

Setting the storm in motion
One little piece at a time
While we Iive our life,
Unsuspecting, carefree?



Natasha Srivastava
P.S. I Love You

Senior Product Designer at Synaptic. Passionate writer, moody artist. Avid reader of literature & people, alike. Mostly found in close proximity to wine + dogs.